Installation and Testing


Please find the license terms in the file: LICENSE.txt. The license is LGPLv3-only with three additional terms: 1) disallowing using the authors’ names and likenesses; 2) declining to grant license to use trademarks; and 3) providing additional permission for static linking.

The Javascript libraries “d3”, “dialog-polyfill”, and “jquery” are included with this software in the sub-directory: web/scripts

Their license terms and copyright notices are in files in the sub-directory: LICENSE.third-party. The respective license terms file has its suffix named after the name of the library. They are under permissive, BSD and MIT, license terms.

How to install (for Ubuntu 16.04 or Ubuntu 18.04)

Dependencies: Python >=3.7 (tested with Python 3.9.5) pip Apache2 mod_wsgi graphviz graphviz-dev

Python packages: problog ZODB pygraphviz RPyC persistent transaction atomic readerwriterlock typing python-daemon django

Install Apache2 and graphviz:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install apache2 graphviz graphviz-dev apache2-dev

The apache2-dev package might not be necessary if you install Python and mod_wsgi from Ubuntu packages rather than using the method in the instructions below. The mod_wsgi package needs to be one that was built for the version of Python it will be used with.

Next, install Python. If you are using Ubuntu 16.04 or 18.04, you will need to install from source. With later versions of Ubuntu you may be able to install using apt-get install python3 (you need a Python version >=3.7), but it will place Python in /usr/bin; so you will either have to modify the first line of the scripts from #!/usr/local/bin/python3 to #!/usr/bin/python3 or place a link in /usr/local/bin (i.e., sudo ln -si /usr/bin/python3 /usr/local/bin/python3). If you install Python using apt, then also install libapache2-mod-wsgi using apt as apt-get install libapache2-mod-wsgi; otherwise, install mod_wsgi using pip as described below.

To compile from source, first obtain the source code from: And then follow the instructions in the README.rst file, which amount to:

sudo apt-get build-dep python3.5
./configure --enable-optimizations --enable-shared LDFLAGS=-Wl,-rpath=/usr/local/lib
sudo make install

The configure options, except –enable-optimization, which is optional, are needed for Python to work well with mod_wsgi. (For Python 3.12 from source, I also needed to run, before running “./configure”: sudo apt-get install openssl zlibc libreadline-dev zlib1-dev libbz2-dev libffi-dev libssl-dev) (*See the bottom of this section for a tip in case you get an error message about needing to add a source repository in order to install build dependencies–the first step listed above.)

Next, install pip:

sudo python3.9 -m ensurepip
sudo python3.9 -m pip install --upgrade pip

Install the Allsembly™ package:

Clone or download the source code repository files into a directory, “allsembly-prototype”.
cd to the directory allsembly-prototype, then:

sudo python3.9 -m pip install .

OR to install for easy development:

sudo python3.9 -m pip install --editable .

Create a new system user named, e.g., “allsembly” and give that user permission to read and write /var/allsembly-prototype/data

sudo adduser --system --no-create-home allsembly
sudo mkdir -p /var/allsembly-prototype/data
sudo chown allsembly /var/allsembly-prototype/data

Make sure the server script has the executable bit set:

chmod a+x allsembly-prototype/scripts/

Create the user database:

cd allsembly-prototype
python3.9 migrate

Add an Allsembly™ user:

python3.9 shell
Python 3.9.5 (default, Jul 19 2021, 01:21:38) 
[GCC 5.4.0 20160609] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from django.contrib.auth.models import User
>>> user = User.objects.create_user('username', '', 'password')
>>> exit()

Replace “username” and “password”, above, with your desired username and password.

Run the Allsembly™ server:

cd allsembly-prototype/scripts
sudo ./ --daemon --user allsembly

NOTE: to get it to persist across reboots, you will need a service script for systemd or initd. See allsembly-prototype/scripts/allsembly.service for an example. Modify the path on the line starting with “ExecStart=” to point to the location of on your system. You then need to copy the service script into the appropriate system location: /lib/systemd/system/; and run the command to enable the service: sudo systemctl enable allsembly.service. Alternatively, you could put a line like: <directory containing>/ --daemon --user allsembly into your /etc/rc.local file. (Replace <directory containing> with the path where you have put the file, e.g., /usr/local/bin or /home/user/allsembly-prototype/scripts.)

Setup and start the Apache web server:

(NOTE: you can try out Allsembly™ using the web server build into Django. Consult the Django documentation for details. Basically, you can execute python3 runserver from the allsembly-prototype directory; then connect to You can skip setting up Apache and return to it later when you desire a production quality web service.)

Enable mod-wsgi:

sudo python3.9 -m pip install mod_wsgi
sudo sh -c 'mod_wsgi-express module-config > /etc/apache2/mods-available/wsgi.load'
sudo a2enmod wsgi

Add the following lines to the bottom of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf:

WSGIDaemonProcess wsgipgroup user=<user> python-path="/home/<user>/allsembly-prototype"
WSGIProcessGroup wsgipgroup

Replace /home/<user> with the path into which you have cloned or copied the allsembly-prototype repository, and replace <user> in user=<user> with the name of a user that has read and execute permisions, as appropriate, in the django-site and django-app directories, or the owner of those directories. You may use any name for the name of the process group.

Add the following lines between of your virtual host’s VirtualHost open/close tags (e.g., <Virtualhost ...>...</VirtualHost>), which may be in one of your configuration files in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled, such as /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf or /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/default-ssl.conf (if you have SSL configured):

Alias "/static/" "/home/<user>/allsembly-prototype/web/scripts/"
WSGIScriptAlias "/allsembly" "/home/<user>/allsembly-prototype/django_site/"
<Directory /home/<user>/allsembly-prototype/django_site>
    Require all granted
<Directory /home/<user>/allsembly-prototype/web/scripts>
  Require all granted

Replace /home/<user> with the path into which you have cloned or copied the allsembly-prototype repository.

Restart the Apache server:

sudo apachectl restart

Add your hostname and/or IP address to the list of allowed hosts in the Django settings file by editing allsembly-prototype/django_site/ changing ALLOWED_HOSTS = [] to ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['hostname']. Replace “hostname” with your hostname, e.g., “”.

You will likely wish to set DEBUG = False in the allsembly-prototype/django_site/ file before making a public-facing deployment, but DEBUG = True is useful while checking that one’s installation and configuration is correct.

Open a web browser and navigate to https://<your-server-hostname>/allsembly
Enter the userid and password of the user you created in a previous step.

*NOTE: When building Python3.9.5 from source code, you might get an error message on the first step of installing build dependencies. In that case, you might have to uncomment a line beginning with “deb-src” near the top of your /etc/apt/sources.list file and then run sudo apt-get update to populate the cache.

How to install for other platforms

The software has only been tested with Ubuntu 16.04 and 18.04; however, I believe that the only platform specific parts are the --daemon option, the --user option and platform specific file paths. These should work on many other Unix-like or Unix operating systems. So it might work with MacOS. The script might run under Windows if you set all of the file options with Windows-specific pathnames and skip the options --daemon and --user. I believe the first line beginning “#!” has no effect on Windows, and it, instead, uses the file extension to determine which application (i.e., the Python interpreter) to use to load the file according to its registry of file types. You might try putting the script in the Windows startup folder or check your Windows Server OS documentation for appropriate ways to cause it to run at startup and to restrict its privileges. There might be a RunAs option on the script’s properties window.

How to run the tests

The tests may be run using pytest (See

With pytest installed, simply run pytest from the main directory of the distribution by typing pytest. It will automatically discover the tests (which are in the subdirectory “test”), run them, and report the results.

pytest may be installed with python3.9 -m pip install pytest.